About Us

Transparency and Freedom of Information

Delivery Authority Publication Scheme

Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, the Restoration and Renewal Delivery Authority has a duty to adopt and maintain a Publication Scheme and to publish information in accordance with that Scheme. The Publication Scheme and Guide to Information can be found below.

The following classes of information form part of that Scheme and will be made available on our website. If you require an alternative format, we will do what we reasonably can to help.

  • Who we are and what we do
  • What we spend and how we spend it
  • What our priorities are and how we are doing
  • How we make decisions
  • Our policies and procedures
  • Lists and registers
  • The services we offer

Requests for information

Members of the public have a right to request access to information held by public authorities. This includes requests under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and Environmental Information Regulations 2004.

If information is not already available under the Publication Scheme, information access requests can be made to the Restoration and Renewal Delivery Authority in writing, detailing the information you require and giving an address (which can include an email address) for the response. If you cannot make your request in writing because of a disability, then we can help facilitate your request over the phone.

Requests will be dealt with as quickly as possible and within the Freedom of Information Act's statutory timescales, which are normally 20 working days. The Programme does not routinely charge for information.

Please send your requests to the Delivery Authority by emailing: foi@r-r.org.uk, writing to: Houses of Parliament Restoration and Renewal Programme,8/64VS, House of Commons, London SW1A 0AA

Note: From 1 January 2023, requests for information held by the “Sponsor Body”, should now be directed to Parliament, contact details can be found here: Freedom of Information - UK Parliament

Data Protection

Under the Data Protection Act 2018 you are entitled to make a 'subject access request' to receive any personal information held about you by the Programme. Please make your subject access requests by using the above contact details.


If you are not satisfied by the response to a request, you may seek an internal review by contacting us using the contact details above. An internal review will be carried out by one or more individuals who were not involved with the original request and will be undertaken with the intention of providing a response to the complainant within 20 working days.

If the complainant remains unsatisfied then they may contact the Information Commissioner's Office, who will investigate the complaint and make a final decision. Further information about the role of the Information Commissioner's Office is available here

Log of requests for information and performance

The Programme has undertaken to provide details of information requests received by the Programme, including its performance in responding to those requests and any information that has been released in response (to FOI and EIR requests only), on a quarterly basis.

Privacy Policy

The Restoration and Renewal Delivery Authority Ltd (the Delivery Authority) is committed to being transparent about how it collects and uses the personal data of its staff, contractors, stakeholders, and the public. This privacy notice serves to promote awareness and demonstrate compliance with the requirements of the UK GDPR. You can read our Privacy Policy here.